Title Lietuvos kaimo gyvenviečių tinklo kaitos ypatumai 1989-2011 metais /
Another Title Particularities of Lithuanian rural settlemet network alternations during the period 1989-2011.
Another Title The particularities of Lithuanian rural settlement network alternations during the period 1989-2011.
Authors Kriaučiūnas, Edikas
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Is Part of Kaimo raidos kryptys žinių visuomenėje. 2013, 1, p. 53-60.. ISSN 2029-8846
Keywords [eng] Rural settlements ; Geography of population ; Depopulation
Abstract [eng] This article analyses tendencies of general and regional development of Lithuania’s rural settlement network in the period of 1989-2011. Also, in the article is briefly reviewed the heritage of rural politics of the soviet period. The analysis is based on the data of general population and housing census of 1989, 2001 and 2011, submitted by the Lithuanian Department of Statistics. It is also based on researches carried out by Lithuanian scientists during previous years. During the soviet period an enlargement of rural settlements was carried out but the general number of rural population was decreasing. Cities and villages grew at the expense of smaller villages and farmsteads. Between 1959 and 1989, due to the collectivization, deconstruction of the villages, reclamation, development of cities and etc., the number of rural settlements in Lithuania decreased from 25 to 19 thousand. Large (“central”) rural settlements grew the most during the soviet period. The number of settlements with 1000 or more inhabitants increased from 24 to 108. The population in them increased from 29 to 178 thousand – it means more than six times. About three times (from 73 to 203 thousand) the population increased in settlements with 501-1000 inhabitants. The number of smaller rural settlements together with the population in them was decreasing. Particularly the number of residents in the traditional villages with 50-200 inhabitants declined. The population in such villages declined about three... [to full text].
Type Journal article
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2013