Title Valstybės parama veislininkystei ES šalyse /
Translation of Title State aid for breeding in the EU countries.
Authors Čiapaitė, Agnė ; Dapkutė, Vilma
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Is Part of Rinkotyra. 2008, Nr. 1 (39), p. 100-103.. ISSN 1392-6101
Keywords [eng] State aid ; Breeding ; EU countries
Abstract [eng] In 2006 EU institutions adopted amendments of state aid extension scope and directions (Commission Regulation (EC) No 1857/2006 of 15 December 2006 on the application of Articles 87 and 88 of the Treaty to State aid to small and medium-sized enterprises active in the production of agricultural products and amending Regulation (EC) No 70/2001). To avoid market distortion, the state aid for the acquisition of breeding animals has become inadequate. Since in Lithuania this kind of support is more than one third of the total state aid for the breeding sector, directions of the state aid should be changed. To make these changes effective, national situation and EU benchmarking in the sector should be carefully considered. Therefore, at the Lithuanian Institute of Agrarian Economics was carried out research on the situation in the breeding sector and state support tendencines in other EU countries. Many EU countries had supported the purchase of breeding animals before the amendments forbidding it were adopted. At present this kind of support is available only for the acquisition of rare-breed animals. The main state aid directions in the sector are as follows: support for determining the genetic quality and yield of animals; establishment and maintenance of herd books; introduction of innovatory breeding techniques or practices and organisation of competitions; organisation of and participation in exhibitions and fairs. EU countries practice various aid directions and scopes, but most of them have a clear tendency to give a short-term (1–2 years) support. The emphasis is made on creating strong private market players who in future could improve the situation in this sector themselves; the areas of state support are being narrowed and the amounts are being reduced. But this does not make a negative impact on the improvement of breeding results. As EU policy towards the state aid in the breeding sector changes, Lithuania also has to reduce the scope of support.
Type Journal article
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2008