Title Tradiciniai amatai Lietuvoje: situacija ir perspektyvos /
Translation of Title Traditional crafts in Lithuania: situation and prospects.
Authors Ribašauskienė, Erika
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Is Part of Rinkotyra. 2008, Nr. 4 (42), p. 91-98.. ISSN 1392-6101
Keywords [eng] Crafts ; traditional ; Lithuania
Abstract [eng] The paper deals with the results of analysis of the preconditions and support for crafts develop-ment in Lithuania, the indicators of monitoring and evaluation of the development of national heri-tage products and the results of survey on the development of traditional crafts. On 1 January 2008 the Law on Products of the National Heritage came into force, the legal acts regulating its implementation and strategic documents on the preservation of the national heritage were adopted. The support measures for craftspeople are included in the Lithuanian rural develop-ment programme for 2007–2013 and in the action programmes financed from EU structural funds. The classification of traditional crafts includes 65 kinds of crafts and their products historically settled in Lithuania. In Lithuanian regions there are almost 30 thousand people who are able to produce products of national heritage. Only for 18 per cent of craftspeople the craft can be the main income source, i. e. the income from the craft will make up over 50 per cent of the total annual income. The craft prod-ucts are the most popular among urban residents. The personal sales and sales in fairs and exhibi-tions are the most beneficial. The results of survey on the activity of craftspeople showed that a lack of funds for investments is the most important problem impeding the development of crafts. The craftspeople usually apply for the support for production but do not think about investments into the promotion of demand.
Type Journal article
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2008