Title Dinaminio saugumo koncepcija laisvės atėmimo vietose /
Translation of Title The concept of dynamic security in penitential institutions.
Authors Uscila, Rokas
ISBN 9789986704683
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Pages 81
Keywords [eng] dynamic security ; dynamic supervision ; penitentiary institutions ; resocialization of convicts
Abstract [eng] This scientific study examines the concept of dynamic security in penitentiary institutions in Lithuania. The current practice of dynamic supervision and its implementation in Lithuanian penitential institutions is systematically analyzed. This research is based on both generalized international standards and practice, and empirical data collected within the framework of targeted research. The data were obtained directly by the researcher visiting individual penitentiary institutions and conducting a semi-structured interviews with the personnel. The research study analyzes the current dynamic security model and the legal regulation of dynamic supervision introduced in Lithuania. The study focuses also on the discussion on the functions of dynamic supervision officers and the assessment of their readiness to perform dynamic supervision. The research allowed to provide targeted recommendations for different stakeholders: policy makers, legislators and to the Department of Prisons and penitentiary institutions for improvement of regulation and for further development and implementation of the concept of dynamic security in the Lithuanian penitentiary system.
Type Book
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2020