Title Jaunimo dalyvavimas Lietuvos kaimo plėtros procesuose :
Another Title Youth involvement in the processes of rural development.
Authors Ribašauskienė, Erika ; Šalengaitė, Diana
ISBN 9789955481201
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Pages 79
Keywords [eng] Agriculture ; Social aspects
Abstract [eng] From the beginning of the last decade demographic situation in Lithuania has been changing substantially. Degradation of demographic processes as well as negative impact on labor resources are generally determined by migration processes, especially those of young people. Negative implications of such tendencies are already significant to demographic processes and the quality of labor sources, and in the future these tendencies may become even more vigorous. The processes that are being discussed endanger the succession of farming traditions, the creation of public goods as well as the vitality of rural areas, and that makes the demand to promote quality of human resources notably relevant. The promotion of entrepreneurship of rural inhabitants is becoming prevailing in the EU (European Union) programmes, committed to support agriculture and rural development, also in the national support measures. One of the important elements of entrepreneurship is willingness and ability to use EU support, which is intented to ensure vitality of rural areas. The entrepreneurship of rural inhabitants depends not exclusively on the separate support programmes or on the endeavour of state agencies, but also on their own desire to be competitive in the market and to improve their life quality. Due to the increased significance of initiative as well as innovation primarily young educated rural inhabitants share better oportunities to undertake individual business.
Type Book
Publication date 2010