Title Agrarinės aplinkosaugos priemonių poveikio žemės ūkio sektoriui vertinimas /
Translation of Title Assessment of the impact of agri-environmental measures on agricultural sector.
Authors Galnaitytė, Aistė
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Pages 186
Keywords [eng] agri-environment ; mathematical programming ; agriculture
Abstract [eng] The dissertation investigates issues related with the assessment of impact of agri-environmental measures on agricultural sector in absence of theoretical foundation for addressing the practical problem of matching between private economic and public policy interests. The aim of the research is to create and approve the methodology for assessing the impact of agri-environmental measures on agricultural sector. The area of application of the prepared methodology and the developed model is simulations of agricultural policy. The prepared model may also be used as a practical and methodical tool. The dissertation addresses the following key objectives: having analysed the scientific literature, to pursue the most appropriate methods for the methodology for assessing the impact of agri-environmental measures, to create the methodology for assessing the impact of agri-environmental, based on neoclassical theories of microeconomics and economy of ecosystems mathematical programming model, and validate it empirically under the conditions of Lithuania, to carry out sensitivity analysis by using different scenarios, to prepare recommendations for the improvement of agri-environmental measures aimed at contributing to the sustainable development of the agricultural sector in Lithuania. The dissertation consists of the introduction, three chapters, general conclusions, references and the list of scientific publications on the topic of the dissertation. The introduction presents the problem, relevance of the topic, describes the object, formulates the aim and objectives of the re-search, describes the research methodology, highlights the scientific novelty, practical value, significance of the results and statements to be defended. Scientific publications of the author and presentations at conferences on the topic of the dissertation, and the structure of the thesis are presented at the end of the introduction. The first chapter reveals the matter of agri-environmental measures, theoretical assumptions of their introduction, historical and political developments in the European Union and Lithuania, discussing the impact of agri-environmental measures on agricultural sector, and impact assessment methods. The second chapter offers the methodology of impact assessment of agri-environmental measures on agricultural sector, highlights problems, evaluates the effectiveness of compensatory payments and the benefit for the public interest. Describes the developed mathematical programming model, presents its structure, modeling assumptions, verification and modeled scenarios. The third chapter presents the analysis and evaluation of the modeled scenarios. The author has published one scientific study and three scientific articles on the topic of the dissertation, made three presentations at scientific conferences in Lithuania and one presentation abroad.
Dissertation Institution Lietuvos agrarinės ekonomikos institutas.
Type Doctoral thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2017