Title Demografinių darbo rinkos rodiklių (integracijos galimybių) analizė šalyje pagal jaunimo amžiaus grupes 1998–2022 m /
Translation of Title Analysis of demographic labour market indicators among different age groups of young people from 1998 to 2022.
Authors Okunevičiūtė Neverauskienė, Laima ; Pocius, Arūnas
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Is Part of Lietuvos socialinė raida: Socialinės grupės ir visuomenės kaita.. Vilnius : Lietuvos socialnių mokslų centras Sociologijos institutas. 2023, 12, p. 27-52.. eISSN 2424-497X
Keywords [eng] demographic processes ; labour market ; youth ; integration
Abstract [eng] During the period of 1998-2022 the Lithuanian labour market underwent major changes. Social transformations have significantly changed the view of the country's labour market and the demographic groups participating in it. As research shows, the situation in the labour market does not remain stable for a long time, since its development is characterized by cyclicality, which is related with the change of economic ups and downs (crises). The relevance of this publication is determined by the lack of stability in the labour market and the high uncertainty of its development. The research includes the analysis of long-term changes in the country's labour market in terms of age and gender. Priority is given to youths, who are particularly vulnerable in crisis situations. However, the transformation of the labour market is observed including various changes in the integration opportunities among different generations. The publication also pays great attention to the analysis of labour market indicators by gender, the differences of unemployment and employment indicators are assessed.
Published Vilnius : Lietuvos socialnių mokslų centras Sociologijos institutas
Type Journal article
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2023