Title Globalizacijos iššūkiai ir teikiamos galimybės užimtumo sąlygoms Europos sąjungos šalyse /
Translation of Title Challenges and possibilities of globalization for employment in European union countries.
Authors Račinskaja, Irena
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Is Part of 18-oji Lietuvos jaunųjų mokslininkų konferencija „Verslas XXI amžiuje“.. Vilnius : VGTU leidykla Technika. 2015, 223, p. 52-62.. eISSN 2029-7149
Keywords [eng] labour market ; labour force ; emigration ; globalization ; unemployment ; employment .
Abstract [eng] Under the development of globalization conditions one of the most important objective of the European Union is to maintain and create new jobs according to the constant growth of people migration. The Lithuanian labo ur market situation (as well as being in the European Union) depends on processes of innovation, globalization and free movement of persons. The rapid development of economic migration negatively affects Lithuanian labour market, which makes the country’s labour force decreasing and getting older. According to the “brain drain”, investments for young people education aren’t efficient, and territorial disparity is one of the biggest problems of the labour market. The object of research is the EU labour market. The goal of the article is to assess the impact of globalization for the EU labour market. To achieve this goal, the following tasks have been implemented: the analysis of the theoretical aspects of the globalization and labour market; to identify the trends of the Lithuanian and European Union countries labour market; to analyse the globalization impact for labour market. In this article the following methods of analysis are used: a systemic analysis of the scientific literature, both the theoretical and practical claims matching methods, the analysis of statistica l data.
Published Vilnius : VGTU leidykla Technika
Type Conference paper
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2015