Title The evolution of post-accession diasporas and diaspora policies after 2004: a comparative analysis of Poland and Lithuania /
Translation of Title Į ES įstojusių šalių diasporų ir diasporos politikos raida po 2004 m.: lyginamoji Lenkijos ir Lietuvos analizė.
Authors Popyk, Anzhela ; Lesińska, Magdalena ; Dambrauskas, Karolis
DOI 10.1080/01629778.2023.2180043
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Is Part of Journal of Baltic Studies.. New York : Routledge Taylor & Francis Group. 2024, 55, 1, p. 69-90.. ISSN 0162-9778
Keywords [eng] Post-accession diaspora ; diaspora governance ; diaspora policy layers ; policy transformation ; Poland ; Lithuania
Abstract [eng] Diaspora policy hinges upon multiple issues linked to the state of origin, state of destination, and international environment, as well as the size and nature of the diaspora itself. This article examines the evolution of Poland and Lithuania’s diaspora policies in response to the transformation of the diasporas’ nature from ‘liquid’ to ‘solid’ in the EU post-accession period. Drawing on existing data and statistics, and an analysis of the documents and actions taken by the Polish and Lithuanian governments, the article presents four layers of the transformation of diaspora policies: adjustment, inducement, partnership, and embracement.
Published New York : Routledge Taylor & Francis Group
Type Journal article
Language English
Publication date 2024