Title Nesaugus užimtumas Lietuvoje: iššūkiai Azerbaidžano piliečių integracijai į darbo rinką /
Translation of Title Precarious employment in Lithuania: challenges for the integration of Azerbaijani nationals into the lithuanian labour market.
Authors Kirelienė, Indrė ; Brazienė, Rūta
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Is Part of Lietuvos socialinė raida.: Darbo rinkos transformacijos krizių akivaizdoje.. Vilnius : Lietuvos socialinių mokslų centras. 2022, 11, p. 36-47.. eISSN 2424-497X
Keywords [eng] precarious employment ; integration into the labour market ; employment of Azerbaijan citizens
Abstract [eng] This article analyses the challenges of integration of third country nationals (citizens of Azerbaijan) into the Lithu - anian labour market. The theoretical part of the work relies on the theoretical assumptions of insecure employment, discusses the legal regulation of labour migration and trends in immigration and employment of third country nationals in Lithuania. The empirical part of the work discusses the results of semi-structured interviews, conducted with Azerbaijani citizens who have arrived legally and are working in Lithuania. The analysis of interviews made it possible to identify the challenges of the integration of Azerbaijani citizens working in Lithuania into the Lithuanian labour market, i.e. insecurity due to loss of income, abuse by employers, uncertainty regarding job retention, insufficient social guarantees.
Published Vilnius : Lietuvos socialinių mokslų centras
Type Journal article
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2022