Title Žemės ūkio gamybos procesų valdymas, taikant integruotas informacines sistemas : Rekomendacijos /
Authors Kriščiukaitienė, Irena ; Namiotko, Virginia ; Galnaitytė, Aistė ; Lakis, Artūras
ISBN 9789955481508
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Pages 72
Keywords [eng] AgroSmart ; farmers ; dissemination of innovative practices
Abstract [eng] Researchers of Lithuanian Institute of Agrarian Economics (LIAE) implemented the project “Management of production processes and use of integrated information systems for improvement of farms' performance” funded under the Rural Development Programme 2007-2013 measure “Vocational training and information” action “Dissemination of scientific knowledge and innovative practices for persons engaged in the agricultural, food processing and forestry sectors”. During this project the program “AgroSmart” was developed and demonstrated in five farms. The main benefits of the program are as follow: it enables to control everything quickly and to find all the available data very operative; the are two types of data: data entered by farmer of his activity and data from external sources (AIRBC, NPA, LIAE et al.). After implementing the program a major aim of the project was achieved – were strengthened computer literacy because trainings were attended by more than 600 agricultural employees. In addition, participants’ knowledge of modern management of production processes in farms that use integrated information systems has been improved.
Type Book
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2015