Title Lietuvos ūkininkų ūkių gyvybingumo pokyčiai :
Another Title Viability changes of farmers’ farms in Lithuania :
Authors Jurkėnaitė, Nelė
ISBN 9789955481522
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Pages 73
Keywords [eng] Viability ; agriculture ; farm
Abstract [eng] Business environment and agricultural support schemes have changed after Lithuania joined the EU. The data comparison of Agricultural Censuses of 2003 and 2010 shows that during the analysis period the number of farmers’ farms that are larger than 1 ha decreased by one fourth. However, to date there has been scarce research on the analysis of economic viability changes in this category of farms and on the determination of the most vulnerable agricultural areas. The study is aiming at establishing the methodology and conducting the analysis of Lithuanian farmers’ farms viability.The following tasks were raised: To analyse the conception of viability in agriculture and on farm level, discuss evaluation indicators and methods, and select a set of criteria to conduct research on viability of Lithuanian farmers’ farms. To analyse economic viability of farmers’ farms comparing the situation before joining the EU and the current state of agriculture. To provide the results of the survey on Lithuanian farmers’ attitudes towards their farm viability and identify the factors that influence viability. The study deals with the conception of viability in agriculture and on farm level, applied evaluation indicators and methods, discusses bottle neck problems of estimation and identifies promising directions of research. .
Type Book
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2015