Title Lithuania country note /
Authors Brazienė, Rūta
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Is Part of 16th International Review of Leave Policies and Related Research 2020.. Haga : Fernuniversitat in Hagen. 2020, p. 386-392
Keywords [eng] Current leave ; employment-related policies ; Paternity leave
Abstract [eng] The international review provides comparable information on leave policies in participating countries, in the form of country notes. Each country note is organised in four sections: Current leave and other employment-related policies to support parents; Relationship between leave policy and early childhood education and care policy; Changes in policy since the preceding review; and Take-up of leave. Before 2018, the review also included a fifth section on Research and publications.This year, we have included a sub-section on Policy response to the Covid-19 pandemic up to end June 2020Types of leave covered are: Maternity leave; Paternity leave; Parental leave; Childcare leave and Career breaks; and Other employment-related measures, including leave to care for sick or disabled relatives. Definitions of each main type of leave are given at https://www.leavenetwork.org/leave-policies-research/defining-policies/. Information on each type of leave in country notes is organised using a common format.In addition, the review has a number of comparati.
Published Haga : Fernuniversitat in Hagen
Type Journal article
Language English
Publication date 2020