Title Portfolio Investment diversification at Global stock market: A Cointegration Analysis of Emerging BRICS(P) Group /
Authors Bhutto, Sarfaraz A ; Ahmed, Rizwan Raheem ; Streimikiene, Dalia ; Shaikh, Saifullah ; Streimikis, Justas
DOI 10.46544/AMS.v25i1.6
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Is Part of Acta Montanistica Slovaca.. Kosice : Technical University of Kosice. 2020, vol. 25, no. 1, p. 57-69.. ISSN 1335-1788
Keywords [eng] Portfolio diversification ; emerging BRICS(P) group ; financial globalization ; global stock markets ; A.R.D.L. method
Abstract [eng] This study investigates the outcomes of emerging BR ICS(P) groups at the global stock market. The Emergence of this G roup helps the investors in the diversification of international p ortfolio funds. However, economic and financial globalization assim ilated the world's leading economies to provide an interdepend ent investment portfolio structure for investors and savings in th e transformation and allocation of funds. The diversification of the international stock market may bounce the investors of BRICS(P) G roup to maximize the expected returns along with a certain level of risk placement. This study prefers to use Auto-Regressiv e Distributed Lag (A.R.D.L.) method to evaluate the outcomes of i nvestment diversification and to investigate the short-term a nd long-term changing patterns of the sampled stock exchange mar kets in the BRICS(P) nations. The findings of this study show that a significant investment portfolio diversification ma y originate benefits if the funds become merged among the B.R.I .C.S. (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) nations. Mo reover, this study made a separate point of view for the investm ent funds of InThis study investigates the outcomes of emerging BRICS(P) groups at the global stock market. The Emergence of this Group helps the investors in the diversification of international portfolio funds. However, economic and financial globalization assimilated the world's leading economies to provide an interdependent investment portfolio structure for investors and savings in the transformation and allocation of funds. The diversification of the international stock market may bounce the investors of BRICS(P) Group to maximize the expected returns along with a certain level of risk placement. This study prefers to use Auto-Regressive Distributed Lag (A.R.D.L.) method to evaluate the outcomes of investment diversification and to investigate the short-term and long-term changing patterns of the sampled stock exchange markets in the BRICS(P) nations. The findings of this study show that a significant investment portfolio diversification may originate benefits if the funds become merged among the B.R.I.C.S. (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) nations. Moreover, this study made a separate point of view for the investment funds of India and Pakistan. The study investigates that the funds of these two nations are assimilated, and the appropriate diversification of investment may exist through the assimilation of these two economies. The results would suggest the international and native investors merge their investment proposals among these economies and to construct a well-diversified portfolio because a shared value of risk protects the investors. It gives opportunities to earn desirable returns. The study has implications on all sectors of the economy, including mining as well as natural resource prices.
Published Kosice : Technical University of Kosice
Type Journal article
Language English
Publication date 2020
CC license CC license description