Title Kaimo žmonių religinės patirties bruožai /
Another Title Features of villagers' religious experience.
Another Title Features of villagers’ religious ex­perience.
Authors Vosyliūtė, Anelė
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Is Part of Kaimo raidos kryptys žinių visuomenėje. 2011, 2, p. 159-166.. ISSN 2029-8846
Keywords [eng] Expression of religious culture ; Communcation between authorities and congregation ; Role of clergy ; Peculiarities of religious space ; Existential approach
Abstract [eng] The author reveals their attitudes to sacrednes influence on people's moral and spiritual sphere; their endeavours in creating religious space. The representatives of Catholicism have been passionate supporters of people's social and spiritual development, leaders of national, social, religious and cultural movements; as active interparticipants in pastoral, moral, educational and social life of society, they were able to form the mentality of people. Churches were the places of people's meetings and identity formation; here the sacred feelings to the world and auratic culture were constructed. Very significant was the role of clergy as the agent of social influence, as the cause of human change; as the authorities, priests were the intermediaries solving conflicting problems by a peaceful way. The author uses the information of narratives and nonformalized answers of villagers. The method of life stories is realized in sociology as the recognition of competence of the subject; it coincides with the changing situation in this science where the existence of a plurality of perspectives and local, contextual studies versus grand narratives, disorder, flux and openness are respected.
Type Conference paper
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2011