Title Sustainable energy development: Energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions in the Lithuanian agricultural sector /
Another Title Darnios energetikos plėtra: energijos vartojimo ir šiltnamio efekto dujų emisijos tendencijos Lietuvos žemės ūkyje.
Authors Baležentis, Alvydas ; Baležentis, Tomas
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Is Part of Ekonomika ir vadyba: aktualijos ir perspektyvos. 2011, Nr. 4 (24), p. 81-91.. ISSN 1648-9098
Keywords [eng] Energy intensity ; Energy efficiency ; GHG emission ; Sustainable development ; Index decomposition analysis ; LMDI ; Lithuanian agriculture
Abstract [eng] In 2008, about 4.2 per cent of the total value-added was generated in the Lithuanian agricultural sector. However, this sector produced some 21 per cent of the total greenhouse gas emissions and consumed 2.3 per cent of the total energy input. The measurement, assessment, and effective mitigation of energy intensity and greenhouse gas emission compose a foremost objective of contemporary energy policy. Moreover, the strategy Europe 2020 and particularly so called 20/20/20 targets require both 20 per cent reduction in GHG emission and energy efficiency increase which should cause reduction in energy consumption. It is therefore important to identify and estimate the underlying factors affecting trends of these phenomena in the Lithuanian agricultural sector. Our study, therefore, is aimed at analysing the energy intensity trends in the Lithuanian agricultural sector. The investigation covers the period of 1995-2008. The simplified Logarithmic Mean Divisia Index was applied for index decomposition analysis. The carried out research identified generally positive trends of energy consumption and GHG emissions. The GHG emission reporting and mitigation, however, remains an especially important issue for Lithuanian agricultural sector. Further studies can be focused on revealing the impact of energy sources mix and livestock structure on the GHG emission.
Type Journal article
Language English
Publication date 2011