Title Grūdų kainų įtaka galvijų ir kiaulių supirkimo kainoms /
Translation of Title The influence of grain prices on purchase prices for cattle and pigs.
Authors Gapšys, Albertas
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Is Part of Rinkotyra [Elektroninis išteklius]. 2010, Nr. 2 (48), p. 53-64.. ISSN 2029-2287
Keywords [eng] Cattle ; Pigs ; Coefficients of correlation and determination ; Purchase prices ; Value chains
Abstract [eng] The article deals with the trends of purchase prices for cattle and pigs and their dependence on grain purchase prices in Lithuania. The economic upturn in 2007 and fluctuations in the harvest of grain crops had a significant influence on the growth in prices of flour and breadstuffs. However, due to the changes in crop production, the meat prices did not have to rise on the Lithuanian market. There was no correlation between the meat and grain purchase prices during the analysed period. Several factors influenced changes in the purchase prices for cattle and pigs, some of them reduced the purchase prices (decreasing consumption and competition from local market), and some of them increased the purchase prices (growth in prices of grain and material resources and in export of pigs). The impact of distribution of the value of meat products among processors and retailers on purchase prices is analyzed in this article. During the analysed period the retail prices of pork and beef were going up mainly due to retailers and the increasing prices of grain had no influence on them.
Type Journal article
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2010