Title Lietuvos žaliavinio pieno rinkos vystymosi tendencijos ir jas lemiantys veiksniai 2006-2010 metais /
Translation of Title The development trends of lithuanian raw milk market and the factors determining them in 2006-2010.
Authors Mikelionytė, Deiva
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Is Part of Rinkotyra [Elektroninis išteklius]. 2010, Nr. 2 (48), p. 43-52.. ISSN 2029-2287
Keywords [eng] Raw milk ; Purchase ; Purchase price ; Export ; Import
Abstract [eng] The paper deals with changes in raw milk production, purchase, purchase price and foreign trade in 2006-2009 and the first half-year of 2010 as well as with the development of dairy farms during this period. The results of the research showed that the direct measures of market regulation had no essential influence on the raw milk market because only 75-85% of the quota on sales for processing was fulfilled and direct payments per ton of quota milk sold accounted for about 10% of the total income from milk. The changes in the purchase price of raw milk substantially influenced the raw milk market. In 2007-2010 the purchase price of raw milk was significantly affected by the fluctuation of demand for dairy products in the global market. The Lithuanian dairy processors forming the policy of purchase price on raw milk escalated this fluctuation even more. As a result, the volume of milk purchase decreased and the export of raw milk increased during the period of 2009-2010, while in 2007 the export of raw milk had been avoided due to a sudden increase in price. The policy on purchase prices of raw milk carried out by processors has a significant influence on changes in the structure of dairy farms as well. Because of the lower purchase price to small-scale milk producers than to large-scale ones, the small-scale milk producers are rapidly disappearing, as a result, the large dairy farm is gradually developing in Lithuania.
Type Journal article
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2010