Title Lietuvos mėsos sektoriaus pokyčiai krizės laikotarpiu /
Translation of Title The tendencies of changes in the Lithuanian meat sector during economic crisis.
Authors Gapšys, Albertas
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Is Part of Rinkotyra [Elektroninis išteklius]. 2011, Nr. 1 (49), p. 60-73.. ISSN 2029-2287
Keywords [eng] Cattle ; Exports ; Imports ; Meat consumption ; Pigs ; Price chains ; Prices ; Purchase prices
Abstract [eng] The article deals with the changes that emerged in the Lithuanian meat sector due to economic crisis. The result of economic crisis was reduced meat and meat product consumption. During this period imports of meat and meat products declined. The number of livestock during the period of 2008-2010 changed slightly - the number of cattle decreased by 3 percent and the number of pigs increased by 4 percent. In 2010, compared to 2008, purchase of livestock was lower by 3 percent. Prices of livestock and meat were decreasing. In the 4th quarter of 2010 purchase prices of cattle decreased by a quarter and almost reached the EU average. During the period of 2008-2010 prices of pork were the lowest in 2010.
Type Journal article
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2011