Title Lietuvos žemės ūkio ir maisto produktų eksporto rinkų plėtros galimybės /
Translation of Title Potential export markets for lithuanian agricultural and food products.
Authors Dabkienė, Vida
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Is Part of Rinkotyra. 2008, Nr. 2 (40), p. 93-102.. ISSN 1392-6101
Keywords [eng] Foreign trade ; Export markets ; Lithuania
Abstract [eng] The article deals with the potential export markets for Lithuanian agricultural and food products. The total Lithuanian exports have been increasing during the last years. The exports of Lithuanian agricultural and food products are concentrated. In 2007, the exports to Russia, Latvia and Germany accounted for 56 percent in value. In comparison with Lithuania, Polish exports have no dominant export market. One of methods for the search of new markets is to make an analysis of main producers and export geography of neighbour countries. As a result of research, the main potential markets for Lithuanian dairy products are Netherlands, Italy, Germany, Algeria, Mexico, Saudi Arabia and China; for meat products – Switzerland, Algeria, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Japan, USA, Korea, Hon Kong, Saudi Arabia; for grain products – Algeria, Egypt, United Arab Emirates, India, Morocco, Japan, Israel, Tunisia.
Type Journal article
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2008