Title Perėjimo prie naujosios kaimo politikos paradigmos kliūtys Lietuvoje /
Another Title Obstacles to implement the new rural development policy paradigm in Lithuania.
Another Title The obstacles to implement the new rural development policy paradigm in Lithuania.
Authors Vidickienė, Dalia
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Is Part of Ekonomika ir vadyba: aktualijos ir perspektyvos. 2010, Nr. 3 (19), d. 1, p. 137-146.. ISSN 1648-9098
Keywords [eng] Rural development policy paradigm ; Post-industrial stage ; Rurality ; Rural region
Abstract [eng] The article deals with the problems of implementation of the new rural development policy paradigm in Lithuania. The new rural paradigm was born as reaction to challenges of post-industrial stage of society evolution and aims to identify and exploit the varied potential of rural regions. The article presents the comparative analysis of the main features of the traditional, "agriculture-based" and the new, "place-based" rural paradigms. The arguments why Lithuania would seek to apply the new paradigm in the nearest future are discussed. The focus is on the very quick changes of the employment structure in the Lithuanian countryside with the shift from the dominated agricultural sector to the obvious dominating service sector from 2006. Because the agriculture is no more the backbone of Lithuanian countryside, agricultural and rural objectives would be pursued through a different policy models. The identification of the political, legal, economical, social and informational obstacles to paradigm shift in Lithuania based on detailed analysis is presented. Proposals offer possible solutions how identified obstacles would be eliminated. At the moment Lithuanian rural development policy is focused on the small settlements of the rural population. The first step to implement the new rural development policy paradigm in Lithuania must be done by defining rural regions and to introduce the classification by rurality into official administrative-territorial system of Lithuania. Only in this case the holistic place-based strategies that aims to find ways how to exploit unused resources and to valorize local assets of Lithuanian rural municipalities would be designed. The main changes in social and economical Lithuanian approach to rural development would deal with a shift from the aim to reduce regional disparities into the aim to improve the competitive abilities of rural regions because the new rural paradigm draws attention on local resources and core abilit.
Type Journal article
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2010