Title Daržovių kainų ir gaminių iš daržovių gamybos tendencijos /
Translation of Title Trends for vegetable prices and production of vegetable products.
Authors Lukošiutė, Ingrida
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Is Part of Rinkotyra [Elektroninis išteklius]. 2010, Nr. 2 (48), p. 27-36.. ISSN 2029-2287
Keywords [eng] Vegetables ; Retail price ; Purchase price ; Price in local markets ; Vegetable products
Abstract [eng] The article presents the changes in purchase and retail prices of vegetables in Lithuania and the results of price comparison with neighbour countries as well as the trends of foreign trade in vegetables, and production and sales of vegetable products. In the Ist half-year of 2010 the prices of many kinds of vegetables went up but some vegetables were cheaper and other more expensive than a year ago. Different prices were caused by changes in the demand, stocks and foreign trade of corresponding vegetables, and especially by more than twice reduced amounts of the import from Poland. In 2009 reduced production of many vegetable products was decreasing and in the Ist half-year of 2010, it even was the lowest over the four last years: the produced amount of non-concentrated tomato puree and pastes declined the most, and that of pickled cabbage, frozen vegetables and mixes went down almost twice.
Type Journal article
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2010