Title Bulvių kainų ir gaminių iš bulvių gamybos bei pardavimo tendencijos /
Translation of Title Trends of potato prices and production, sales of potatoes products.
Authors Lukošiutė, Ingrida
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Is Part of Rinkotyra [Elektroninis išteklius]. 2010, Nr. 2 (48), p. 19-26.. ISSN 2029-2287
Keywords [eng] Potatoes ; Price ; Local markets ; Retail ; Purchase ; Potato products ; Production ; Sales
Abstract [eng] The article deals with the trends of potato prices in Lithuania, presents the results of price comparison with neighbour countries, analyses changes in the production, prices and sales of potato products in Lithuania. In the end of 2009 the price of potatoes was very low, while in the beginning of 2010 it went up but still remained lower than in the same period of 2007-2009. In the Ist half-year of 2010 the retail prices of potatoes were increasing less than the purchase prices. In supermarkets the potatoes of 2009 harvest became cheaper than in local markets, and since the IInd half-year of 2009 the reduced difference between the retail prices in local markets and supermarkets still remained in January-May 2010. As a result, traders purchased slightly larger amounts of Lithuanian potatoes. However, in June the price of new harvest potatoes was by more than one-fifth higher than those of 2009 harvest and even higher than in June 2007. In the Ist half-year of 2010 the purchase price of potatoes and sale prices in local markets and supermarkets were the lowest during the same period of the recent four years. Production and sales of potato products in the Ist half-year of 2010 were the lowest in the recent four years while the prices of key potato products were by nearly 40% lower than in the same period a year ago.
Type Journal article
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2010