Title Daržovių kainų mažėjimas 2009 metais ir jas nulėmę veiksniai /
Translation of Title Decrease of vegetable prices in 2009 and the factors determined it.
Authors Lukošiutė, Ingrida
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Is Part of Rinkotyra [Elektroninis išteklius]. 2010, Nr. 1 (47), p. 25-36.. ISSN 2029-2287
Keywords [eng] Vegetables ; Prices ; Purchase ; Export ; Import ; Vegetable products
Abstract [eng] The article presents the changes in vegetable prices in Lithuania and the results of price comparison with the neighbour countries, analyses the foreign trade in vegetables as well as the tendencies of production and sales of vegetable products. In 2009 in Lithuania the harvest of vegetables increased, as compared to the previous year, and the prices were the lowest during the last three-five years. Lithuanian vegetables were among the cheapest in comparison with the neighbour countries. Despite low prices of vegetables, the production of many vegetable products decreased as the economic crisis had an influence on the consumption of vegetable products.
Type Journal article
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2010