Title Paukštienos rinkos pokyčiai Lietuvoje /
Another Title Changes in the market of poultry meat in Lithuania.
Authors Petrauskaitė-Senkevič, Laura
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Is Part of Rinkotyra [Elektroninis išteklius]. 2009, Nr. 4 (46), p. 84-93.. ISSN 2029-2287
Keywords [eng] Poultry meat ; Purchase ; Sales ; Price ; Foreign trade
Abstract [eng] The article deals with the tendencies of the supply and demand for poultry meat, poultry meat prices and the factors influencing the prices. Recently, the demand for poultry products had a growing tendency both in Lithuania and other world countries. As a result, this sector had good developing opportunities. Howerer in 2009 the change in retail prices reduced the competitiveness of this sector in the domestic market. In 2009 the wholesale price of poultry meat declined considerably while the retail price was decreasing very slowly. Due to difficult economic and financial situation in the country and lower purchasing power, the rather high retail price has reduced the demand for poultry meat on the domestic market. As a result, foreign trade has become more active. Over the past year the export of cheap but high quality poultry meat went up nearly by one fifth.
Type Journal article
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2009