Title Vaisių ir uogų rinka 2007-2009 metais /
Another Title Fruit and berry market in 2007-2009.
Another Title Fruit and berry market in 2007–2009.
Authors Petrauskaitė-Senkevič, Laura
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Is Part of Rinkotyra [Elektroninis išteklius]. 2009, Nr. 4 (46), p. 46-53.. ISSN 2029-2287
Keywords [eng] Fruit ; Berries ; Purchase ; Sale ; Price ; Foreign trade
Abstract [eng] The article deals with the supply and demand for fruit and berries grown in Lithuania as well as with on them depending prices and other factors that condition changes in this sector. The economic results of Lithuanian fruit and berry sector are very unstable. The harvest depends not only on a human factor but also on natural conditions. For this reason individual-year economic indicators can differ significantly. In point of prices, the year 2009 was more favourable for the consumers of fruit and berries than for the growers. In the second half of the year, when the purchase of new harvest started, the purchased amounts increased significantly. But the amounts purchased in January–September still were lesser than that in the corresponding period of 2008. After Lithuanian trade and processing enterprises declined the purchase amounts, the price of apples fall down 2.3 times in comparison with the previous year and that of dessert apples was lower by 10%. This fact had influence on the retail price of apples, which was by 40% lower than in the corresponding period of 2008. Meanwhile, the retail price of pears was still rather high. Over the observed period it was by 7.4% higher than in the previous year. The production and sales of Lithuanian fruit and berry products in the I–III quarters of 2009 slightly increased. Also the imported amounts of fruit and berries were larger.
Type Journal article
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2009