Title Trumpalaikio ir ilgalaikio kainų kitimo aspektai Lietuvos grūdų ir rapsų bei jų produktų rinkose /
Another Title The aspects of short-and long-term changes in prices on the Lithuanian markets of grain and rapeseed and their products.
Authors Bradūnas, Vidmantas
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Is Part of Rinkotyra [Elektroninis išteklius]. 2009, Nr. 4 (46), p. 5-24.. ISSN 2029-2287
Keywords [eng] Grain ; Rapeseed ; Price ; Price structure ; Supply ; Demand
Abstract [eng] The past three years for grain and rapeseed growers were rather favourable: the grain harvest was increasing by 10% every year and the grain self-sufficiency rate went up on average by 45 percentage points. The rapidly growing supply caused changes on the markets of grain and rapeseed and their products. In Lithuania and other EU countries average grain purchase prices have decreased similarly. The reduction of average wholesale prices was different: the prices of wheat and rye flour decreased much more than that of rye and wheat bread made from the best quality flour, while the retail prices of the said products went down even slower. In Lithuania the lower farmer's share in the retail price structure of rye bread and wheat flour of the best quality was caused by the reduced grain purchase prices and retail prices of grain products, the decrease of which was inconsiderable. Over the analysed period the prices of grain and rapeseed and their products were unstable because on the markets of the said products was almost perfect competition and their demand and supply was inelastic. In recent years the grain prices had a decreasing tendency because the demand for grain and rapeseed products was going up rather slowly and the supply was increasing considerably faster.
Type Journal article
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2009