Title Lietuvos žuvų produktų gamybos ir užsienio prekybos tendencijos = /
Translation of Title Tendencies for production and foreign trade of fishery products in Lithuania.
Authors Eičaitė, Ovidija ; Motova, Arina
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Is Part of Rinkotyra. 2008, Nr. 1 (39), p. 104-109.. ISSN 1392-6101
Keywords [eng] Fishery products ; Foreign trade ; Lithuania
Abstract [eng] The article deals with the results of analysis of Lithuanian fish processing industry and foreign trade in fishery products during the period 2002–2007. Lithuania has become a state importing raw fish and exporting processed and prepared fishery products. The main factors which influenced the development of Lithuanian fish processing industry and foreign trade in fishery products were Lithuania’s integration into the EU and new opportunities to participate in the EU common market. The export of fishery products has been reoriented from unstable Eastern markets to more favourable Western markets. The positive balance of foreign trade in fishery products indicates that Lithuanian fish processing companies have a competitive advantage in foreign markets. During the period 2002–2007 Lithuanian fish processing companies mostly imported raw fish (fresh, chilled, frozen, fillets) and produced high value-added fishery products (prepared or preserved fish) and exported them.
Type Journal article
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2008