Title Žemės reformos ir ūkininkijos raidos ekonominės peripetijos /
Translation of Title Economic peripeteia of land reform and peasantry development.
Another Title Земельные реформы и развитие крестьянства.
Authors Poviliūnas, Antanas
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Is Part of Žemės ūkio mokslai. 2007, T. 14, Nr. 1, p. 48-60.. ISSN 1392-0200
Keywords [eng] Agrarian reform ; Capital-oriented economy ; Cooperation ; Family farm ; Farming system ; Farmers ; Peasantry ; Objective of agricultural activity
Abstract [eng] The development of peasantry covered particular stages during which tillers were distinguished as a social stratum of the rural society depending on economic conditions, relations of ownership and aims of production. The paper deals with the last stage of peasantry development: the formation of the farmers’ stratum, its growth, maturity and collapse during the intervening period of the bolshevik regime, the emergence of a new stratum of progressive farmers. The genesis of the peasant and farmer concepts is presented; the process of agricultural conversion from the means of survival to commercial business, which masked the beginning of the farmers’ stratum and the strengthening of this stratum when it has become a key economic pillar in independent Lithuania are discussed. The survey on this peasantry stage is focused on the activities of Albinas Rimka who studied the possibility for an independent agrarian state to fare well and the farmers’ stratum in Lithuania, but the theoretical foundations for the 1922 land reform which aimed to strengthen the farmers’ stratum. The survey is intended to mark his 120th birth anniversary. Besides that, the agrarian processes in interwar Lithuania were the basis for the initiators and movers of the 1991 land reform while preparing the legal fundamentals for the formation of the new stratum of progressive farmers. The period of the farmers’ stratum development between the aforementioned stages during which the capacities of former farmers were destroyed and new ones established, is discussed as well. The new capacities were used by other tillers’ generation, i. e. by the new social stratum of rural population. Inappropriate considerations of this period and of this stratum during the implementation of the agrarian reform in 1991 caused the decline of agriculture, loss of markets for agricultural products, disparities in the restoration of family farms.
Type Journal article
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2007