Title Suaugusiųjų tęstinio mokymosi situacija : dabartis ir perspektyvos /
Translation of Title The situation of adult education: the present and the perspectives.
Authors Šutinytė, Renata
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Is Part of Filosofija. Sociologija. 2006, Nr. 4. ISSN 0235-7186
Keywords [eng] Lifelong learning ; Adult education ; Social capital
Abstract [eng] This article aims to give an overview of empirical research carried out in the field of implementation and recognition of lifelong learning in Lithuania and the European Union. After defining the term of lifelong learning and showing its position among other sciences, the main legal documents are presented and the outline of the challenges is given. Lifelong learning was (and still is) one of the main means acting in the social cohesion and competitevness in the knowledge society and global economy. The article discusses the content of learning and how it influences the definition of lifelong learning. All social life includes learning activities: informal learning is often forgotten/ missed as one of the learning forms. A lot of attention is given to the unformal learning activities such as out-of-school learning. Work, home and the surroundings are the areas of active learning. Europe is linking to the knowledge-based society and economy. More than ever new information technologies, access to the news, motivation become the means to increase the competence and employability of Europeans. Today the means of lifelong learning are more often seen as the means to increase the employability.
Type Journal article
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2006