Title Lietuviškų žemės ūkio produktų reprezentacinio ženklo naudojimo tikslingumo vertinimas :
Another Title Feasibility assessment of applying national brand for Lithuanian agricultural products.
Authors Golubevaitė, Loreta ; Dapkutė, Vilma
ISBN 9789955481195
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Pages 57
Keywords [eng] Representation ; Farm produce ; Government policy
Abstract [eng] Striving to strengthen competiveness of national products of agriculture and food sector, governments of many countries increasingly put more efforts to promote these products and the whole sector in foreign markets. Their marketing activities resemble those applied by private companies, but are of much larger scope. During the last decade, a number of EU Member States have put quite much effort on developing national brands as tools of representation of state’s overall agricultural sector, and started applying it as a marketing tool through various channels. The aim of this study is to assess possibilities to apply national agriculture brand for representation of Lithuanian agricultural products in foreign markets. In attempt to reach this aim, the following objectives were brought: 1. Building on scientific literature analysis, to identify major features of national brand for agricultural products representation. 2. In conformity with the identified features, to select good practice examples of EU member states that apply national brand for agricultural products representation and to distinguish criteria for application of this tool in practice. 3. To assess expedience and possibilities of applying national brand for representation of Lithuanian agricultural products, basing on the earlier identified features and criteria for applying this tool in practice. This study has been performed in three stages, corresponding to the above-listed objectives. Scientific literature, legal acts, results of other authors' researches made in the similar field were processed using methods of induction, deduction, analogy, comparison, content-analysis, extrapolation as well as expertise analysis in assessment of different alternatives for applying national agricultural brand for representation of Lithuanian food products. With the help of these methods, two groups of denoting agricultural products were dis.
Type Book
Publication date 2010