Authors Burneika, Donatas ; Baranauskienė, Viktorija
ISBN 9781897721704
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Is Part of 2019 RSA Central and Eastern Europe Conference: Metropolises and Peripheries of CEE Countries: New Challenges for EU, National and Regional Policies.. Liublinas, Lenkija : Regional Studies Association, 2019. p. 11.. ISBN 9781897721704
Keywords [eng] Peripheral regions ; public service networks ; Lithuania
Abstract [eng] The paper deals with 3 interrelated processes taking place in Lithuanian peripheral regions. Regional differentiation of wellbeing, depopulation and shrinking public networks are reshaping Lithuania and its urban network. Such trends are visible both on national scale and within metropolitan regions – cities and their hinterlands. The research is based on empirical methodology and statistical data analysis is the main research method. The paper aims to reveal differences of economic wellbeing, resulting trends of depopulation in peripheral regions mostly related to out migration and shrinking public infrastructure, which further damages attractiveness of peripheral places in Lithuania. Since the collapse of Soviet Union, fast decrease of employment in industry and agriculture damaged first of all peripheral regions and later resulted in mass emigration, which is still evident in most Lithuanian municipalities. The decrease of jobs in these sectors meant that majority of residents of non-metropolitan regions had to find new jobs outside the localities they reside. The fast depopulation of peripheral regions results in shrinking public services, what, however, is taking place differently in different regions. The shrinkage of public sector reduces attractiveness and jobs in such regions even more. Every municipality pursues different policy, which is not necessarily well grounded to existing changes of population and often weakly coordinated with neighbouring municipalities. Authors seek to reveal the spatial characteristics of ongoing trends and establish relationships between trends of population shrinkage and public decisions concerning management of public infrastructure.
Published Liublinas, Lenkija : Regional Studies Association, 2019
Type Conference paper
Language English
Publication date 2019