Title Darbo apmokėjimo, užimtumo ir produktyvumo sąveika /
Translation of Title Interaction between remuneration, employment and productivity.
Authors Danilevičienė, Irena
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Pages 160
Keywords [eng] Remuneration ; employment ; productivity ; competitiveness.
Abstract [eng] The dissertation assesses the interaction between remuneration, employment and productivity and analyzes theoretical and practical assumptions of productivity evaluation. The main subject of the research is the productivity of the EU countries and the effective management of its determinants in order to improve the country’s competitiveness. The main objective of the dissertation is to develop a methodology, which would allow to purposefully allocate the investment unit among the factors affecting productivity in order to increase the competitiveness. The main tasks of the thesis are as follows: analyzing theoretical aspects of wage, employment, productivity and its impact on competitiveness; the EU countries are clustered and the method of distribution of the investment unit is formed; the influence of productivity on the competitiveness of the country is defined. The dissertation consists of an introduction, three chapters, general conclusions, lists of references and the author's publications on the dissertation topic. The introduction discusses the problem of the thesis, defines the relevance of the work, distinguishes the research object, formulates the aim and tasks of the thesis, discusses the research methodology, reveals the scientific novelty of the dissertation, substantiates the practical significance of the thesis, formulates defendable statements. At the end of the introduction the practical verification of the thesis is reasoned and the author's publications are presented. The first chapter deals with the literature review. It reveals the theoretical concepts of remuneration, employment and productivity, the theories of wage setting, the forms of employment and the importance of technological development and human resources for competitiveness. The interactions between remuneration, employment, productivity and competitiveness is examined in detail. At the end of the chapter, conclusions are formulated and the tasks are revised. The second chapter presents the methodology for assessing productivity and explains how the importance of the Global Competitiveness Index and the Total factor productivity, as well as the results of the Dickey and Fuller along with Granger causality calculations, are based on an adequate portfolio methodology. The third chapter deals with the clustering of the EU member states according to the size of wages, gross domestic product and capital, employment rate and investment direction. What is more, causal relationships between wages, employment, capital, investment and productivity are revealed, and an investment unit is allocated to achieve higher country competitiveness. 17 articles on the topic of the dissertation have been published: 8 of them in the journals, abstracted and indexed in scientific international databases, 9 in conferences proceedings. The results of the dissertation were presented at 17 scientific conferences.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetas.
Type Doctoral thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2019