Title The discussion on the territorial disparities and modifications on public services accessibility in suburban and peripheral areas: the case of Lithuanian municipalities /
Authors Baranauskienė, Viktorija ; Bučaitė-Vilkė, Jurga
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Is Part of „City Futures IV conference“. Creating Just and Sustainable Cities.. Dublinas. 2019, p. 59
Keywords [eng] Territorial disparities ; public services ; accessibility, suburban areas, peripherial areas ; Lithuania
Abstract [eng] From the theoretical point of view, the ongoing research on the intersection of socioeconomic inequalities and space, considered in terms of geographic context, demonstrates how space affects social relations and changes the condition of production in a place, locality or region ir terms of life chances. The aim of this presentation is to analyze the mechanism of unequal territorial distribution of public services which predominates in the country. The current situation demonstrates that the residents have unequal access to basic services and as a result, residents on the perphery of the country experience not only social exclusion but also spatial exclusion. Three municipalities of the country were selected for the comparison: the metropolitan city of Kaunas city municipality, the suburbs of Kaunas city municipality - Kaunas district municipality and the peripheral territory of the case studies was based on the assumption that there are significant differerces in policy coordination mechanisms in implementing municipal services in urban and ryral areas. In this sense, the urban and suburban residents have different access to basic public services (e.g. educational, health care, cultural institutions, etc.). Due to the growing suburban areas, there is an insufficient development of the public services network, but recently this problem is well addressed by increasing their network and the local communities actively contribute to the solution of the problems. Meanwhile, territories located in remote areas of the country not only the intensely decreased public service network but also the worsening quality of service. An analysis of municipalities, and their growing territorial divide would contribute to the wider theoretical discussion on the relationship between the conception of spatial justice, social cohesion ant territorial inequalities. Our input is a part of a broader international research H2020 project COHSMO (No. 727058) which investigates how place-based institutions can increase their capacities to cope with territorial inequalities by implementing different policies, such as childcare, vocational training, active labour market, urban regenaration.
Published Dublinas
Type Conference paper
Language English
Publication date 2019