Title Overcoming paradox for social enterprise definition: Case of Lithuania /
Authors Okunevičiūtė Neverauskienė, Laima ; Pranskevičiūtė, Irena
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Is Part of Economic and Managerial Spectrum.. University of Zilina, Slovak Republic. 2018, 12, 1, p. 104-118.. ISSN 1337-0839
Keywords [eng] Social Enterprise ; non-governmental organization ; rural community ; public services ; decentralisations
Abstract [eng] The presented analysis of Lithuania case presents situation, where conception on social enterprise was adopted following EU framing, and good practices of countries, having strong historical roots of social enterprise development, but bypassed evaluation of local context. The study shows, that narrow definition of social enterprises, applied to the legal framework of the state leads to deterioration of the social entrepreneurship concept and forms alternative area of various social enterprise models embedding global practices and broad definition of social enterprise.
Published University of Zilina, Slovak Republic
Type Journal article
Language English
Publication date 2018