Title Sociodemographic analysis of the changing territorial organization of the settlement systems in the Baltic countries /
Translation of Title Baltijos šalių gyvenviečių sistemų teritorinės organizacijos kaitos sociodemografinė analizė.
Authors Ubarevičienė, Rūta
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Pages 211
Keywords [eng] Baltic countries ; settlement systems ; socio-spatial change ; population decline ; inner migration
Abstract [eng] Rapidly decreasing population and the growth of regional disparities pose major challenges for the further development of the Baltic countries. In these countries, it is necessary to raise the question of how to make the most rational and effective use of the limited demographic, social and economic resources of the cities and regions, while ensuring that all people have a decent standard of living and opportunities. This study sought to identify and compare the main trends of socio-spatial development in the Baltic States during the period of independence. The statistical analysis allowed to determine the regional characteristics that lead to changing settlement systems in the Baltic States. The results reveal that internal migration is the main force behind the changing settlement systems. It has also an important impact on the change of the socio-demographic spatial structure. It was revealed that internal migration is characterised by high selectivity and therefore it is the main factor contributing to the growth of regional disparities and residential differentiation in the Baltic States. It is expected that the results of this research could contribute to the formation of regional and social policy in Lithuania and the Baltic States.
Dissertation Institution Lietuvos socialinių tyrimų centras.
Type Doctoral thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2018