Title Employment and changing labour market: new opportunities in the Lithuanian labour market /
Translation of Title Užimtumo ir darbo rinkos pokyčiai: naujos galimybės Lietuvos darbo rinkoje.
Authors Okunevičiūtė Neverauskienė, Laima
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Is Part of Globalization and its social-economic consequence.. Zilina : GEORG, Bajzova 11, 010 01 Zilina, University of Zilina. 2018, IV, p. 1803-1811.. ISSN 9788-0815
Keywords [eng] labour market ; employment ; globalization ; integration ; flexibility
Abstract [eng] Summary: In the conditions of modern global economy, the labour market indicators are highly sensitive to economic changes. Labour market dynamics significantly depends from the changes of economic cycle. Under the development of globalization conditions one of the priority objective of the European Union is to maintain and create new jobs according to the migration process. According to the basic indicators characterising situation of employment, the situation and employment trends are evaluated in this article. The new labour market opportunities in the context of a new labour market legislation is highlighted in the article.
Published Zilina : GEORG, Bajzova 11, 010 01 Zilina, University of Zilina
Type Conference paper
Language English
Publication date 2018