Title The evaluation of the third countries citizens demand in the labour market: Lithuanian case /
Authors Okunevičiūtė Neverauskienė, Laima ; Pocius, Arūnas
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Is Part of Экономика и социум.. Saratovas : Институт управления и социально-экономического развития. 2017, 34, 3, p. 2-34.. ISSN 2225-1545
Keywords [eng] the third country citizens ; labour market ; integration to the labour market ; imigration.
Abstract [eng] Abstract. In this article is analyzed the third countries citizens position in the labour market, investigation of the factors, which influence situation of the labour market in the country, assessment of the target group persons demand in the different companies. Analysis is substantiated it was accomplished by the special research (employers survey) results. Assessing of the situation it is very important the employers as an experts opinion which has the biggest feeling of the present economic pulse and its changing perspectives, even if the latter third countries citizens integrative attitude reflects indirectly. The next priority of this article is the third countries citizen integration to the labour market the evaluation of situation on the basis of various target groups survey results, which helps deeply to reveal the third countries integration and observed labour supply discrepancy causing reasons.
Published Saratovas : Институт управления и социально-экономического развития
Type Journal article
Language English
Publication date 2017