Title Imigrantų integracijos iššūkiai: profesinio potencialo naudojimas Lietuvoje ir Portugalijoje /
Translation of Title Immigrants` Integration Challenges: the Use of Professional Potencial in Lithuania and Portugal.
Authors Bartochevis, Vladas
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Pages 34
Keywords [eng] immigrants ; integration ; professional potencial
Abstract [eng] The aim of the research is to reveal the importance, the possibilities for the integration, the essential factors and their causes for the adequacy of the use of the professional potential of immigrants in order to provide an appropriate reflection of the problem, from which its perception and decision options are relevant. The implementation of this goal, based on the phenomenological method, in the theoretical part, through Lithuanian and worldwide literature and document analysis, analysed the phenomenon of migration and reactions to this phenomenon. The theoretical part also reveals the importance of integration and the specific conditions and possibilities for its implementation. In the empirical part, during an interview with and reflection on immigrants, the aim is to reveal the essence of the problem, its causes, and to perceive the problems of its solutions for the benefit of immigrants and the host country through the problem itself. The thesis is based on the model created by the author: KSAK model. KSAK is the abbreviation in Lithuanian of the phrase “The four “table legs” for consensus” (Keturios “stalo atramos” konsensusui). The objective of this model is to provide strong premises for the pursuit of consensus. The thesis, based on the newly created model of the author, gives the work uniqueness and novelty. Portugal and Lithuania were chosen for this research precisely because of different socioeconomic and socio-political realities and because of different levels of integration achievement, but these countries share it the same problem, the adequacy of the use of immigrants' professional potential. The perspectives and experiences of this different problem can help to better understand the very essence of the problem, through new discoveries and confirmations.
Dissertation Institution Lietuvos socialinių tyrimų centras.
Type Summaries of doctoral thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2018