Title The Situation of Ethnic Minorities in Lithuania from the Perspective of their Self-Perception /
Translation of Title Etninių mažumų padėtis Lietuvoje iš savęs suvokimo perspektyvos.
Authors Gečienė, Ingrida
ISBN 9783643802095
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Is Part of Exchange, Dialogue, New Divisions? Ethnic Groups and Political Cultures in Eastern Europe (ed. Sonja Schuler).. CIurichas : Lit verlag, 2016. p. 23-44.. ISBN 9783643802095
Keywords [eng] Ethnic minorities ; ethnic politics ; perception of situation
Abstract [eng] Lithuanian ethnic minorities during the last two decades experienced difficult changes in perception of their status in Lithuanian society. The aim of this chapter is to reveal the changes of ethnic politics and nowadays situation of ethnic minorities through their own understanding. The newest results from the representative quantitative survey of Lithuanian population’ opinions and results from previous surveys (in order to follow dynamics of opinion changes) serve as an empirical basis for such analysis. The chapter provides the comparison of Lithuanians and the ethnic minorities’ evaluation of previous, current and future political, economic and social situation, opinion on ethnic tolerance and protection of human rights, perception of their social situation and life quality. The comparison reveals the differences of such perceptions what can be explained by different status of ethnic minorities and prevailing public discourse.
Published CIurichas : Lit verlag, 2016
Type Book part
Language English
Publication date 2016