Title National and European gender equality legislation. A mismatch of agendas and hesitant feminism in Lithuania /
Translation of Title Nacionalinė ir europinė lyčių lygybės teisėkūra. Darbotvarkių neatitikimas ir nedrąsus feminizmas Lietuvoje.
Authors Matonytė, Irmina
ISBN 9781138021655
eISBN 9781315740522
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Is Part of States of Democracy. Gender and Politics in the European Union.. ROUTLEGE Taylor & Francis Group, 2015. p. 100-118.. ISBN 9781138021655. eISBN 9781315740522
Keywords [eng] EU Directive ; gender equality ; feminism ; Seimas (the Lithuanian parliament) ; non-governmental organizations
Abstract [eng] In the chapter, in the light of the concept of gender democracy the Lithuanian situation in respect to the politics of gender equality is described and insights into the developments of gender democracy are provided, based on the case study of the transposition of the EC Directive 2004/113/EC on equal treatment of men and women in the access to and supply of goods and services. The study reveals that the process and content of national and European gender equality legislation vividly display a mismatch of agendas and underscores deficiencies of gender democracy in Lithuania. The chapter also provides hints into eventual dynamics of gender democracy in Lithuania.
Published ROUTLEGE Taylor & Francis Group, 2015
Type Book part
Language English
Publication date 2015