Title Lietuvos ortodoksų (stačiatikių) bendruomenė karo Ukrainoje kontekste (2022–2024 m.): vidaus konflikto genezė ir pasekmės /
Translation of Title The Lithuanian Orthodox Community In The Contenxt Of The War In Ukraine (2022-2024): Genesis And Consequences Of Internal Conflict.
Authors Marcinkevičius, Andrius
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Is Part of Lietuvos socialinė raida: Įvairios visuomenės grupės ir socialinė politika jų gerovei.. Vilnius : Lietuvos soialinių mokslų centro Sociologijos institutas. 2024, 13, p. 27-46
Keywords [eng] Orthodox Church in Lithuania ; canonical jurisdiction ; Russian Orthodox Church ; Moscow Patriarchate ; Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople
Abstract [eng] The article analyses the internal conflict of the Lithuanian Orthodox clergy in the context of Russia's military invasion of Ukraine and the impact of this conflict on the institutional development of the Orthodox Church in Lithuania and its interaction with the Lithuanian state and society in the period 2022–2024. It is argued that this conflict highlighted the differences in values and identity of members of the Lithuanian Orthodox community and led to radical and historically significant changes in the organisational structure of this religious community. It also reveals that the development and consequences of the conflict were significantly influenced by political and social aspects (aspects of national security, immigration of war refugees from Ukraine and political refugees from Belarus and Russia, human rights protection) that are relevant for the Lithuanian state and society in the current geopolitical situation. The article is based on an analysis of the publications from the most popular Lithuanian daily newspaper (delfi.lt and lrt.lt). The texts selected for analysis cover the period from the beginning of Russia's military invasion of Ukraine on 24 February 2022 to the legal recognition of the Exarchate of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople in Lithuania on 7 February 2024. The article also draws on data published on the official websites and social media accounts of the Lithuanian Orthodox communities under the Moscow and Ecumenical Patriarchates.
Published Vilnius : Lietuvos soialinių mokslų centro Sociologijos institutas
Type Journal article
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2024