Title Požiūris į migrantus iš Ukrainos, Baltarusijos, Rusijos ir migrantų integracijos priemones: Lietuvos visuomenės nuostatų 2023 metais apklausos duomenys /
Translation of Title Attudes towards migrants from Ukraine, Belsrus, Russia ant the integration measeures: data from Lithuanian.
Authors Frėjutė-Rakauskienė, Monika
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Is Part of Lietuvos socialinė raida: Įvairios visuomenės grupės ir socialinė politika jų gerovei.. Vilnius : Lietuvos socialinių mokslų centro Sociologijos institutas. 2024, 13, p. 9-26.. eISSN 2424-497X
Keywords [eng] Attitudes of Lithuanian society ; 2023, social distance ; migrants from Ukraine ; Belarus and Russia
Abstract [eng] As a result of geopolitical changes in the region, the number of migrants from Ukraine, Belarus, and Russia began to increase rapidly in Lithuania from 2021. Thus, the article presents the attitudes of Lithuanian society towards the three largest groups of migrants from the aforementioned countries in 2023. At the same time, the attitudes to migrant integration measures and migrant-related groups, i.e. persons who do not speak Lithuanian language, persons of other race (skin color), persons of other ethnic group, representatives of other (non-traditional) Christian faiths, Muslims and various groups of refugees are analysed in the article. The reasons of formation of the attitudes (economic, cultural and psychological) identified in the related theoretical field are analyzed, as well as whether and how important sociodemographic factors in other countries (such as age, gender, education and place of residence) determine public attitudes towards certain social groups in Lithuania. The data on the attitudes of Lithuanian society in 2023 revealed that the attitudes of the Lithuanian population towards the three groups of migrants from Ukraine, Belarus and Russia, as well as other refugees (illegal, labor migrants, political and war refugees, those who came to study or visit family members) are directly affected and are related to the unstable geopolitical situation in the region and respond to certain political realities. For example, crossing of the Belarusian-Lithuanian border in 2021 by the illegal migrants – third country nationals pushed by A. Luykashenka‘s regime; the repressions carried out by Belarusian regime (especially after the presidential elections in August 2020) and full-scale war launched by Russia in Ukraine in 2022 February. The data shows that the Lithuanain public is feeling the competition in the labor market, education, health and public service sectors and have a greater, comparing to previous public opinion polls, social distance towards persons who do not speak Lithuanian. It is concluded that, on the one hand, increasing migration is perceived as causing problems for certain areas of Lithuanian society and had an impact on Lithuanian society's attitudes in 2023 (negative and positive towards different groups of migrants), their change (increased or decreased social distance towards certain groups of migrants), as well as attitudes towards certain measures of integration of migrants into the host society. On the other hand, it can be stated that comparing the data of 2023 and previous public opinion polls, there are the similarities in the attitudes towords some of mentioned social groups and migrant integration measures, with the exception of attitudes towards named groups of migrants from Ukraine, Belarus and Russia. Also, it was revealed that such socio-demographic indicators as education, age, gender and place of residence have an effect on public attitudes (toward some groups – minor, others – bigger). Another noticeable trend increasing over the years - is the generally increasing social distance towards all mentioned groups, and this can be explained not only by increasing migration and integrational issues, but also by the prevailing radicalization processes in societies, observed and described by scientists in Western countries.
Published Vilnius : Lietuvos socialinių mokslų centro Sociologijos institutas
Type Journal article
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2024