Title Demografinių grupių padėties pokyčiai lietuvos darbo rinkoje ir metodinių skirtumų įtaka santykiniams nedarbo rodikliams /
Translation of Title Changes in the situation of different demographic groups in the lithuanian labour market and the influence of methodical differences on relative unemployment indicators.
Authors Pocius, Arūnas
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Is Part of Lietuvos statistikos darbai.. Vilnius : Lietuvos statistikos departamentas. 2016, 55, 1, p. 6-18.. ISSN 2029-7262. eISSN 2029-7262
Keywords [eng] integration ; employment ; unemployment ; labour market ; labour market policy ; long term unemployment
Abstract [eng] The article analyses employment, activity and unemployment trends in Lithuania by gender and age. The main focus in the article is placed on the monitoring of labour market situation of different demographic groups. The possibilities of integrating women and men as well as the elderly and young people into the labour market are evaluated by using key labour market indicators. Different unemployment calculation methods are used for the assessment of labour market situation changes of different demographic groups in Lithuania. Statistical data analysis is supplemented by the results of individual research.
Published Vilnius : Lietuvos statistikos departamentas
Type Journal article
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2016