Title Pork Barrel and Identity Politics: Explaining a Minority Party’s Electoral Success in Lithuania /
Authors Agarin, Timofey ; Dambrauskas, Karolis
DOI 10.1017/nps.2024.60
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Is Part of Nationalities Papers.. Cambridge University Press. 2024, p. 1-20.. ISSN 0090-5992. eISSN 1465-3923
Keywords [eng] Nation-building ; minority representation ; Lithuania ; Poles.
Abstract [eng] Our article describes the lifecycle of Lithuania’s Electoral Action of Poles–Christian Families Alliance (LLRA-KŠS) party that has been a part of country’s political landscape for near 30 years. Despite its seemingly ethnic program, the party has a poor track record for delivering on its electoral promises. Yet, it has been continuously supported by the majority of Polish-speakers in Lithuania. The background of the nationalizing state, which encourages the party elites to conflate substantive representation with the signposting of ethnic identity in party politics, offers one of the reasons for the LLRA-KŠS’s electoral success. Although the party effectively consolidated its regional electorate, it came to control service delivery to their ethnic constituency by engaging in pork barrel politics. Poor performance in recent national and municipal elections put this strategy to bond with its voters into question, casting doubt on the LLRA-KŠS’s ability to survive as an ethnic party in the long term.
Published Cambridge University Press
Type Journal article
Language English
Publication date 2024