Title Probleminių Lietuvos agrarinių teritorijų žemės ūkio veiklos geografiniai aspektai /
Authors Ribokas, Gintaras
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Is Part of Lietuvos socialinė raida Nr.5, Lietuvos socialinė raida: teritorinis aspektas.. Lietuvos socialinių tyrimų centras. 2016, 5, p. 68-79.. ISSN 2029-963X
Keywords [eng] Standard output ; unproductive lands ; land use ; agrarian landscape.
Abstract [eng] Unfavourable conditions for agricultural activities influence the intensity of farming. There are territories in Lithuania in which agricultural activity is complicated due to the natural and anthropogenic factors. In this article the problem agrarian territories are called these areas were agricultural activity is complicated. These territories partly clash with the unproductive and sparsely populated territories and officially are called “less favourable for agriculture territories”. The intensity of agriculture has been analysed according to several indicators: the structure of agricultural land and the change of it, the number of farm animals and the number of standard output. The research has been carried out on the municipal and ward scale. Mainly in the article there were used 2003 and 2010 census data. The farms were analysed only those that own more than 1 ha of agricultural land or those that are smaller than 1 ha but earn more than 5000 LT from agricultural products.
Published Lietuvos socialinių tyrimų centras
Type Journal article
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2016