Title Gyventojų aptarnavimo įstaigų tinklo kaitos tendencijos Lietuvos kaimo gyvenvietėse /
Authors Kriaučiūnas, Edis ; Pociūtė-Sereikienė, Gintarė ; Ribokas, Gintaras
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Is Part of Lietuvos socialinė raida Nr.5, Lietuvos socialinė raida: teritorinis aspektas.. Lietuvos socialinių tyrimų centras. 2016, 5, p. 80-94.. ISSN 2029-963X
Keywords [eng] rural development ; residents’ service institutions ; rural infrastructure ; rural settlements ; rural geography ; regional geography.
Abstract [eng] This article puts emphasis on the tendencies of residents service institutions’ network alternation in Lithuanian rural settlements since the soviet time till today, especially underlying the years of XXI century. The purpose of the article is to point out the tendencies of education, culture, medical institutions, also, market, catering, post and banking services network’s changes in Lithuanian rural settlements. Also, to point out the factors that are infl uencing these changes; to underline the territorial patterns of the changes. The research results revealed that there is a decrease of all types of residents’ service institutions (except shops) in Lithuanian rural settlements. However, the biggest decrease is noticed among catering, kindergartens and banking services institutions. The research results reviled that the regional spread of residents’ service institutions network in the mezzo scale is infl uenced by the historically formed territorial settlement system and regional demographic peculiarities. Whereas, in the micro scale the existence of residents’ service institutions in particular settlement depends on its size, tenable administration functions (it usually determines institutional “heritage” as well) and position in the cities system network. The research allows making conclusion that due to the decreasing number of inhabitants in the rural settlements, there should necessarily take place the reorganization of municipality and government owned institutions (cultural centres, libraries, education institutions and etc.) in future.
Published Lietuvos socialinių tyrimų centras
Type Journal article
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2016