Title International Legal Standards of Collective Agreements and Related Aspect in the Selected European Union Member States /
Translation of Title Tarpautinės teisės standartai dėl Kolektyvinių sutarčių ir su jomis susijusių aspektų taikymo pasirinktose Europos Sąjungos valstybėse narėse.
Authors Świątkowski, Andrzej Marian ; Petrylaitė, Daiva ; Blažienė, Inga ; Bagdonaitė, Aušra
DOI 10.5200/1822-9530.2015.02
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Is Part of Verslo ir teisės aktualijos / Current Issues of Business and Law.. Vilnius : Tarptautinė teisės ir verslo aukštoji mokykla. 2015, 10, p. 13-29.. ISSN 1822-9530
Keywords [eng] industrial relations ; collective bargaining ; collective agreements ; international labour standards
Abstract [eng] This article analyses the international standards of labour law adopted by the International Labour Organization (ILO). The focus is on ILO conventions and recommendations regulating collective bargaining, conclusion of collective agreements and their content, as well as other related issues. The article not only reveals the content of the aforementioned legal standards, but also relies upon abundant case-law, i.e. the essence of international standards and their impact on national law-making and collective bargaining practices are explained using conclusions of the Committee on Freedom of Association and the Committee of Experts.
Published Vilnius : Tarptautinė teisės ir verslo aukštoji mokykla
Type Journal article
Language English
Publication date 2015