Title The oretical aspects of wage and the features of wage structure /
Authors Danilevičienė, Irena ; Gruževskis, Boguslavas
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Is Part of Journal of System and Management Sciences.. Honkongas : Beijing Jiaotong University. 2015, 5, 3, p. 46-64.. ISSN 1816-6075. eISSN 1818-0523
Keywords [eng] competitiveness ; complex wage ; globalization ; innovation ; knowledge ; motivation ; technology ; wage aspects ; wage structure
Abstract [eng] Wage is one of the main factors of motivation that promotes the purposeful activity of workers. In this point of view, wage is seen as a com-plex factor of motivation, which includes both material and non -material mo-tivation methods. Dynamic environment, the rapidly developing processes of globalization and the growing competitiveness enables the chang es in the structure of wage. The object of research - the features of wag e structure. The goal of the article is to carry out the wage structure analysis under conditions of growing globalization and to form the model of complex wage, which is affected by globalization processes. To achieve this goal, the following tasks have been implemented: to analyze the theoretical aspects of the wage struc-ture; to assess the changes of wage structure in the context of globalization and modernization of labour relations; to form the model of com plex wage, which is affected by globalization processes. In this article, the following methods of analysis are used: an analysis and summarize of the scientific lit-erature, the theoretical and practical statements matching methods.
Published Honkongas : Beijing Jiaotong University
Type Journal article
Language English
Publication date 2015