Title Immigration Policies in Lithuania: Institutional and Legislative Developments, Challenges and Opportunities /
Authors Žibas, Karolis
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Is Part of Problemy Polityki Społecznej. Studia i dyskusje... Instytut Polityki Społecznej Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego. 2015, 31 (4), p. 59-79.. ISSN 1640-1808
Keywords [eng] Lithuania ; emigration ; integration of immigrants ; migration policy.
Abstract [eng] Analysing national programmes, state strategies and other documents that regulate immigration and migrant integration in Lithuania, this article provides an overview of policy priorities in this field before and after the enlar gement of the European Union (EU). The main theoretical approaches of migration processes and policies are reviewed to conceptualise the field in which the Lithuanian immigration and migrant integration polices are to be analysed. The article covers different types of immigration, reveals main immigration trends and provides contextual information: policy responses and political discussions, public debates and societal attitudes towards immigration. It touches on the newest legislative and institutional developments in the field concerned and reveals that before 2014, immigration policy in Lithuania was based on the so-called ad hoc principle, while during the first half of 2014, a new trend emerged as the government adopted the ‘Lithuanian Migration Policy Guidelines’ and ‘Action Plan for Implementation of the Policy for the Integration of Foreigners’. At the same time, integration of foreigners as a new area of policy emerged in the Ministry of Social Security of Labour. Migrant integration is becoming a prioritised policy area. However, its challenging aspect has to be emphasised as deeper analysis of migrant integration infrastructu re revealed that project-based activities, supported by the EU funds, have already managed to ‘change’ the implementation of migrant integration policy at state level.
Published Instytut Polityki Społecznej Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
Type Journal article
Language English
Publication date 2015